Haha yay for titles that make no sense to anybody but me.

So the cast list posted last week, and I am in the chorus. But I am not bummed anymore (I spent an afternoon in some self-pity) because we did a read-through of the script and the chorus has way more stage time than any main character I could have gotten. So yeah.

My phone is spazzing out. It keeps having these 'errors' and needing to restart...DON'T DIE ON ME, GEAUXGEAUX!

On Thursday , we had a going-away fiesta for T.I.W., who is returning to her home state for ze holidays. J.J.D. was an absolute trooper and let us girls all try on dresses for a long time. And I got a new jacket ^.^ Everybody I meet while I'm wearing it who wasn't there when I bought it says it looks good. SO THERE, A.M.M.N. and K.M.S. and A.! I do TOO have a fashion sense!

(I just choose not to exercise it :P)

E.Y.M.S. and I had another tournament this weekend, but we did not make it to finals. Which is somewhat bogus. We got third place in every round, but we were gipped one round (Duo was supposed to have four rounds but it only got three in before semifinals).

But that is okay because I then got to judge a novice round, and N.M.N. (A.K.A. P.M.N.), A.M.C.M.P., C., and I were mannequins! That was awesome. We totally are going to do that in everyday life. I've always wanted to draw a crowd for something that wasn't screaming at the top of my lungs about finals! :D

In other news, I am having way too much fun with using initials instead of names. Hahaha.
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