Today was quite interesting. So I thought I might as well share many of its aspects with you. Why not? I asked myself. And myself said, I don't know! Might as well! So here we are.

In English, I helped a classmate with a presentation on the book A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving. I portrayed the book's narrator, a Mr John Wheelwright, and gave him just a wee bit of PTSD. I don't really understand what it is with me - when I act in Speech and Debate, I'm either a funny creeper or doing something biblical; in Theatre, and other non-speech, choose-your-own character endeavors, whenever I get to have a character choice, it's typically somebody with PTSD. What?

But the PTSD does fit with the character, thank you. And I think it really worked, because people seemed to really get it. So yup.

In Psych, we continued our discussion about racial stereotypes, profiling, and discrimination.

Fifth period.



That would be my speech piece. (Biblical. Of course!) I added some movement and I'm going to work hardcore on my characters and script for the next few days, giving me the chance to not look like a novice at this Saturday's tournament.

On the note of the tournament, it is BUBBLE TIME HARDCORE. My man and I have been going steady for six months this Friday! You have basically no idea how excited that makes me. Well, unless you happen to be my man. In which case you probably do...

Back to the school day, I finished all of my Maths homework and some English homework in class. Dance auditions for the Wiz were after school, and I won't bore you with too many details, nor will I draw your attention to it majorly. I'll just say it could have gone better, and it could have gone worse, but I feel alright because I'll probably get into the show someplace. Yes?

(Nate, I am trying your theory of NOT believing in myself. If it fails, so do you. Hardcore.)

But the important thing is always what you take away from an experience, right? Right. And what did I take away from this experience? Well, I have half-knowledge of a pseudo-dance that might or might not be used in our production of the Wiz, and I have some fabulous new blisters!

Who does a kajillion pivots on a wood floor without socks or shoes on? We do!

The moon is supposedly huge and orange tonight, but I can't see it because of clouds, which are bringing in more snow. Totally not fair. I hope you can see it, because it's supposedly spectacular.

Also, I checked out BBC Mundo (Spanish: World) for the noticias (news) of today. Hot international topics include Obama's plan for Afghanistan. (Did you watch that last night? I did. Did you catch Sen. McCain's interview? I did. Did you laugh at the end? I did!) As for news in the science world, apparently researchers at Eindhoven University in Holland have successfully created some laboratory meat. Check it out!

(Look for it yourself if you want it in English. I don't know where it is. And I would rather be lazy and force you to learn Spanish than to be assertive and helpful right now. Cuz I can't see the moon. And that is a perfectly valid excuse.)

Hope you didn't get eaten by a bear!
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