(Bonus points to anyone who knows what movie the title of this post is from!)

This day was very interesting. It started off with me finding the most perfect song ever as an alarm clock. It was loud enough that it woke me, but gentle enough that I could remember my dream a few minutes after I awoke. I blame the fact that I no longer remember the dream on the blaring of the beep alarm, which is supposed to go off after a set number of minutes to get you awake, but actually just goes off whenever the heck it feels like it.

Then I tried to do my English homework and failed. More on that later.

Then, I was in such a hurry to get out of the house that I forgot my gloves, which as you know spells C-E-R-T-A-I-N D-O-O-M for my poor bad-circulation hands.

I was out of my car for all of probably two minutes - tops - but considering how cold it's been, and it was early, and there is wind chill to account for, and I was carrying a box of frozen cookies - considering all of these things, maybe it's sort of forgivable that my fingers have really and truly never hurt so much before in my living memory, and that they basically were about to fall off by the time I got inside -

Which was hard enough in itself, because I have this backpack and this lunchbox hanging off of my arm, right, and my hands are rapidly frostbiting and fusing to the cookie box, and I'm thinking, What kind of fool would ever zip down a hill in this weather? and I was just a few feet behind this girl who opened the door, looked back at me, saw me, and then let the door close behind her.

Cuss. I cussing hate people like that, you know? Anyway.

Anyhow, my hands were a lovely bright red, and then A.R. was a perfect darling and helped me with the cookie box while blood returned oh-so-painfully to my fingers. Yeah. That was fun...

By the time we got to English (ON TIME, THANK YOU VERY MUCH) my hands felt much warmer - which, as you all know, is not very warm at all. They still felt like dry ice, but at least they felt, right? Then C.P.I. was another darling and let me borrow her mittens! We watched a presentation and discussed our essays a bit, and I got a one-period extension on my English homework before the bell rang (short classes today).

So I go to the library and I can move my fingers again - always a nice luxury - and I sit down at the computer and promptly begin the English assignment. Well, you can ask D.S. - no, really, ask him, because he was there - Word just kind of shut down as I was wrapping up the homework. And because I was on a shared computer, I couldn't access recent documents, or even a search for a document, and even though I'd been saving the thing, I didn't know what folder it was. I figure it must have been in Temp, because I got half of it from the version I'd emailed myself this morning before leaving on my gloveless adventure.

But Mr B is a good person and says I've earned merit or something (WOO HOO MERIT) so he's given me a further extension. Also the fact that I was nearly in tears might have helped...

This didn't happen in Spanish, but it is relevant, so: for our final, we are delivering a 3-minute oral presentation on some aspect of Spanish/Latino culture, and I am totally going to ask Sr. C if I can do mine about artistic butts. And no, I do not mean cigarettes, I mean your rear end. Well, not yours specifically, but - because there is this exhibit right now at the Prado museum (which is in Spain, if you didn't know) and is therefore Spanish culture!

In Speech class I made up this totally fantastic joke. Ready?

What did violet light say to red light?
It's not the size of your wavelength, it's how you use it!

Align LeftAnd I also thought of a more debate-oriented one along the same lines:

Why did Violet and Red always argue?
They were always at opposite ends of the spectrum.

It was totally on task! Don't look at me like that! (Hee hee. I told that first one to Mr S, who audibly marveled at how inappropriate it was. Silly Mr S.)

Speaking of him, though, I feel SO READY for the Bio final! Cuz we took a practice exam without studying, and I got an A on it ^^

Aaaand Maths...yeah...

In Theatre, the co-conductor of Spring Awakening came and talked to us. Did you see that show? I did. It was amazingGOANDBUYTICKETSRIGHTNOW!

(Hahaha yay subliminal messaging...)

Just go separate from your parents if you can because there is a simulated-sex scene and it gets kind o' awkward...

And Scene


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