Hahaha oh man. Do you guys listen to the radio? Do you listen to the commercials? Well, you ought to. Cuz there was this mattress commercial a couple of days ago. And it was fantastic.

See, there's this announcer guy talking about what "you" could get "her" for Christmas, like "you" always do. He's listing Jewelry She Will Never Wear or Wine That Will Be Gone Soon and Sweaters That Are the Wrong Color - crud like that.

And then - then he's like, "OR, you could give her the gift that keeps on giving! The gift that doesn't only come once a year - it comes again and again and again! GET HER A MATTRESS! She'll thank you again and again and again!"

And I'm thinking, "Holy expletive, Batman! The mattress companies are totally selling sex!! Did they ALWAYS do that??"


(Oh, so, you get it, right? Cuz, see, he said the gift, he said it comes again and... meaning, over and over, multiple... times... and the girl, she thanks you each... okay, you got it. Okay. Yeah.)

And there were a BUNCH - was a bunch? Were? Was? - there were several commercials like that, but that was my favorite one and now you've heard it too :) I hope it gave you a chuckle also and you don't think too hard about it every time you get into the new bed your fiancee gave you... muhuahahaha.

Too much? Too much.

But hey. It's public radio!

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