Jigsaw puzzle version.

Saturday. SATs. Blah. I SO hope I didn't drop my scores from 8th grade... that would suck like the Final Frontier...

Also: met with a college counselor and narrowed my primary choices down to 35. Wait, 35? What the hell? Yeah, well, the original count was 607, so shut the heck up.

Also also: today (Monday) I have been cursing freely for no apparent reason. I think I am tired.

Back to Saturday. After my meeting with the counselor I did a little bit of bio homework and then fell into bed for an hour or so, then got dressed up ALL FANCY and went to see this show in which my stepdad was performing. It was really funny ^.^ Except I should remember to be more careful with that dress because apparently I SHRANK (o.O) so the skirt kind of drags behind me a little and I do NOT want to rip it when I get stuck under seven different heels...
I also had a very interesting discussion about art theory and technique with this lady I still don't know. It was awesome in a way I can't describe right now because N.L.N.'s been on my back about telling him about my day and I still have uber homework. Soooo...



BUBBLEBUBBLEBUBBLEEEEEEEEE Ahh. That feels a little better. <3

I have one of N.L.N.'s jackets! :D I STOLEDED it. Muhuahaha. So yeah. I could add to that but I won't.

So for today. English: GAH what the hell?!?! I either completely forget literary features in commentaries and totally win on everything else or completely win on literary features and do plain old average on everything else! I WILL WIN THIS SOMEHOW!

TOK: Why, WHY can't I have a free period? *Cries on the inside* Anyway, Mrs. L DID approve the knowledge issue that N.L.N. helped me with (<3 <3) So tomorrow I just have to find another science to write about and sit down and write the stupid thing.

Psych: I did the reading and he didn't take my notebook for credit. Again. Oh well, at least I now have an A in that class after our last test. W00t

Spanish: I asked an intelligent question! In SPANISH! WOOOOO

Speech: Please oh please oh please don't make me listen to extemp speeches... I am varsity... I must help an O'Oer... PLEEEASEEEEEE I BEG OF YOUUUU

Bio: Eheh ^.^' Well I know about E. coli! I don't have my independent study done... I have my essay questions done! ... And I know about E. coli!

Math: What? That WASN'T due today? Yay accidentally working ahead! Makes me feel unintentionally like N.L.N.! *Grumbles* Stupid people who actually have free time...

Hey guess what? I didn't mention that I got called down to the office to write out my hopeful schedule for next year and do you know what? You need a minimum of six classes. Know what else? Each semester I'm completely set. And then I get to choose electives.

There are seven elective courses I want to take.

And I do NOT want to do this no-free-period crap again.


Anyway. Theatre: CONCEPT!! WOOOOkinda. Because we are not (supposedly) doing a full-fledged concept. But I still need to work on it...

Wiz: New dance yayyyyyy

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