Jigsaw puzzle version.

Saturday. SATs. Blah. I SO hope I didn't drop my scores from 8th grade... that would suck like the Final Frontier...

Also: met with a college counselor and narrowed my primary choices down to 35. Wait, 35? What the hell? Yeah, well, the original count was 607, so shut the heck up.

Also also: today (Monday) I have been cursing freely for no apparent reason. I think I am tired.

Back to Saturday. After my meeting with the counselor I did a little bit of bio homework and then fell into bed for an hour or so, then got dressed up ALL FANCY and went to see this show in which my stepdad was performing. It was really funny ^.^ Except I should remember to be more careful with that dress because apparently I SHRANK (o.O) so the skirt kind of drags behind me a little and I do NOT want to rip it when I get stuck under seven different heels...
I also had a very interesting discussion about art theory and technique with this lady I still don't know. It was awesome in a way I can't describe right now because N.L.N.'s been on my back about telling him about my day and I still have uber homework. Soooo...



BUBBLEBUBBLEBUBBLEEEEEEEEE Ahh. That feels a little better. <3

I have one of N.L.N.'s jackets! :D I STOLEDED it. Muhuahaha. So yeah. I could add to that but I won't.

So for today. English: GAH what the hell?!?! I either completely forget literary features in commentaries and totally win on everything else or completely win on literary features and do plain old average on everything else! I WILL WIN THIS SOMEHOW!

TOK: Why, WHY can't I have a free period? *Cries on the inside* Anyway, Mrs. L DID approve the knowledge issue that N.L.N. helped me with (<3 <3) So tomorrow I just have to find another science to write about and sit down and write the stupid thing.

Psych: I did the reading and he didn't take my notebook for credit. Again. Oh well, at least I now have an A in that class after our last test. W00t

Spanish: I asked an intelligent question! In SPANISH! WOOOOO

Speech: Please oh please oh please don't make me listen to extemp speeches... I am varsity... I must help an O'Oer... PLEEEASEEEEEE I BEG OF YOUUUU

Bio: Eheh ^.^' Well I know about E. coli! I don't have my independent study done... I have my essay questions done! ... And I know about E. coli!

Math: What? That WASN'T due today? Yay accidentally working ahead! Makes me feel unintentionally like N.L.N.! *Grumbles* Stupid people who actually have free time...

Hey guess what? I didn't mention that I got called down to the office to write out my hopeful schedule for next year and do you know what? You need a minimum of six classes. Know what else? Each semester I'm completely set. And then I get to choose electives.

There are seven elective courses I want to take.

And I do NOT want to do this no-free-period crap again.


Anyway. Theatre: CONCEPT!! WOOOOkinda. Because we are not (supposedly) doing a full-fledged concept. But I still need to work on it...

Wiz: New dance yayyyyyy

My darling wife (C.E.M.),

You should bring Nora over to my house for a while. I need to talk to her. A lot. Where the heck are you when she is with this Stubs person? I mean, are you paying attention to her? Are you talking to her? Do you know to what extent they are... Have you spoken with her about STDs? I do not mean to profile, it's just that you never know with zombies. Or anyone. I am not profiling. It is just a fact. I mean, where did she find him? Where was he before that?

And about this Stubs guy - Does he HAVE a house? Does he HAVE parents? Because I need to have a word or several with them. Mostly these words will be four letters long, contain one vowel apiece and begin and end with consonants. Lots of consonants...

And if you envy our daughter for having a physical relationship, why don't you ever come over anymore?

*Rubs eyes* Oh this family has so many issues to iron out.

I just don't want Nora to have a zombie cow bunny infant. I want her to finish school and grow up healthy and happy. I want to give her CHOICES in life, and career, before she winds up stuck in one situation and feels like she can't escape.

I need to talk to this Mr Stubs.

Listen, I understand that the background of Nora's birth is... iffy at best. (Jackson. Father. Uncle. Yes? Yes.) But I feel like she might be feeling pressured into this thing with Stubs because of HER background. I just want to make sure she knows that there are... other family models. (I mean, no offense to you at all, darling, but you certainly swapped a few men before you found L.dG.)

And you have asked me to be the father figure in Nora's life, and I really want to. I love her as though she were my own. But I need your support if I'm going to have that relationship with her.


I had a migraine this morning. I hate migraines. Cuz they knock you flat - which is to say, the medicine cures you by knocking you flat on your back for five hours solid, and if you don't take the medicine, the migraine knocks you so flat you're like a star the density of Saturn and the size of a spoon that just got pulverized by a steam roller before going on a rollercoaster higher than Kilimanjaro... Yeah. I hate migraines.

Love the parents who gave them me. Hate the migraines.

The weird thing about migraine meds combined with my very regular melatonin levels is that I go to sleep and then wake up every hour, on the hour - but I still dream. Vividly.

For example. 8:15 to 9:05:
Mom and I were on our way to a Parisian vacation, but we had to drive up to the Moroccan airport from which our plane to Paris was departing (Paris, you see, is just across the Mediterranean Ocean). However, we got stuck in the suburbs ahead of a bunch of other people going to Paris on this flight.
Finally, my mom got impatient and just parked in the middle of the road, and she and I walked around to find the tour bus. (Because a tour bus was taking us to the airport. Of course.)
We did find it, and we got on, but we realized that nobody else could get on because Mom was parked in the middle of the road. So she sent me to go park on a curb someplace.
Well, I had forgotten that the breaks in her car and my car are different, so I thought I was stopping but wasn't, and ran into this little squarish blue-green car in somebody's driveway, knocking it onto its side (imagine R2-D2 falling over on Dagobah). I felt bad and the bus wasn't leaving, so I righted the car and knocked on the door of the house. The people inside were wearing nightgowns and the entire place was plastered in votive candles. They said it was okay and they weren't going to press any charges, because there wasn't a single scratch on the car, and anyway, it had been holding a votive candle at the time, so it was probably still pure.


ANYWAY, I forced myself up around 10:45 and had an egg and toast, then Mom drove me to school. I had planned it out so that I could arrive in time to let my group give our science presentation. Only I still had migrainey symptoms and once I was at school I was stuck there until 2 because Mom had a meeting... But I wanted to do the presentation.

Only they'd gone without me.

And then I couldn't find the TOK video. I don't even want to explain what that means. Just accept that the TOK video was unfindable and move on with your life, man!

As lunch progressed, I started feeling tons better. Yay conversation and laughter and stuff! (Also, some of it might be due to the caffeine, carbon, and sugar in the Coke, but I hate Coke and do not want to admit that it is in any way beneficial.)

Theatre went way better, though. This was really the part of the day I said to myself as I lay there in bed with the eye blinds over my face and sat there waiting for the headache to abate - this was the part of the day I was not going to miss if I had any control whatsoever. Because we did CHARACTER WALKS. Which are epic. Basically you move at various levels of your character's consciousness and over the course of an hour you completely lose yourself in your character. We did it for Sweeney last year but I am not sure it was the same. And Mrs. A.J. (realization!) did not mention grounded/ungrounded, so I wonder where that fit in...

Then I helped A.M.C.M.P.(M?) and P.M.N. with their duo that they are competing tomorrow and felt generally important.

Wiz is going great(ly? Fantastically; greatly. Yeah). I love being the Winky in front, because I cry and I whimper and I carry my heavy bag for Evilene, and the Lord High Underling never whips me! Because I set the pace! :D

I also lost my sunglasses :( AGAIN! Fifth pair! Forsooth!

Which reminds me in a rather odd and convoluted way that this time I can't blame my dear N.L.N. for distracting me with webcomics because I totally did The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! to myself. *Shame*

Concluding sentence.
I think I figured out how the wave logo for our event got past so many people without any of them noticing it was backwards.

I just got an email from the board in which the word "divvy" was misspelled. Only one V. BLAH.

I so do not want to do my biology homework. And it's been a very long time since that has happened.

What to do... what to do...

Um... room is messy. But I think I would rather do bio than clean. Again. Nnnggghhh

And I've been wondering, because I am the only person I know who updates her blog this frequently. Am I annoying? Does anybody care about these thoughts? Especially these mini-updates...
Wow. First four days back and I already need a snow day!

TOK class is somewhat ridiculous on many levels. But of course those levels are debatable and must be carefully defined. "Yo creo, pues, yo soy"? More like "Me aburre, pues, me duermo." I mean, really.

(No, I don't speak French. What do you want from me?)

Psych. Reading.

Spanish. Me aburre, pues, dibujo.

Speech. New piece! WOOOoooo.

Lunch. Why can't I be in DI? Why? Oh yeah, that's right. Maybe it's because I have absolutely no time to do anything I'm already involved in.

Biology. Why, Fish? Why? Also: SO MUCH READING.

Math. I GET IT. I ACTUALLY GET IT. Now comes the part where it all feels tedious. Great.

Theatre. I thought we were done with the RI! BLAH! Also: Interping Comedia del Arte rocks the house, and I am H.B.'s favorite :D

Wiz. That is right. I just learned that whole Munchkin dance I missed yesterday in five minutes. That's right.

Jump, kick! Jump, kick! Hop hop hop hop jump, kick! Point! :D

Speech tournament tomorrow. Musht...shleep...

(The "musht" was actually unintentional. o.O Bedtime. Hardcore.)

(@ Dr. McNinja: Oh, Dan. Dan, Dan, Dan. How I love your logic. :D Go ahead and light yourself on fire again. You're so smart. ^.^)
This was the first day back in class for all good little juniors pen-named Nineteen. (That's me.)

My only schedule change from last semester is the disappearance of my free period. Rest in peace, little chunk of free time. I will miss you terribly.

I forgot my Psych book at school and am not looking forward to doing math. I spent an hour or so on my Theatre paper because it's far more interesting than translations of sine waves and more possible than reading chapter 4.3 of a book that I don't have...

@ Dr. McNinja: I totally knew Doc was there. Why did I not see this coming? Bleh.

I really need to stop procrastinating and get all my work done and sleep and suchlike. Because Wiz was today, and will be after school every day for a REALLY long time, and I need to get as far ahead as possible because tech week always makes me into a zombie. Also, I forced myself not to let myself chat with my dear N.L.N. until I've settled into the homework/Wiz routine, which won't be until next week.


Also, nine degrees is not awesome after a couple of days of 70 degree Disney filled wonders.

Side note: never dislocate a rib. Ever. Promise me. Because it sucks like the final frontier.

Welcome back!
Hey, so, no, we did not win the Super Bowl. But we still went to Disney World!

(Land. World. Whatever.)

And those parks are HUGE and filled with amazing rides and sights and whatnot.

Hey a sock! :D

I am a spaz on account of travel and time zones. And ice cream. But that was hours ago. Psh, time. I'm still blaming it on sugar!

SooooOOOOoooo... I am hungry and sleep deprived and my bed is veritably COVERED in unpacked stuff, and stuff from before we even left on the trip, aaaaaandddd my essay is not done... But I figured I ought to at least make an entry for the one binary strip that reads this blog regularly... Because, you know, Disney World.

Details later! Sleep now!

Other sock! :D
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