I had a very late night last night - well, late for me, anyhow - but I awoke this morning at 10 a.m. feeling rather refreshed. Mom called my name through the door with a "Just to let you know..." and for a minute I got very nervous because of her tone. But she was just telling me to get my laundry downstairs ASAP, and also that she had made chocolate chip pancakes that were in the oven!

She did suggest that I would need to heat them up, conveying to me that I was up very very late indeed, and probably hinting to her one of two things: either that I was very very tired and stressed (not far from the truth) or that I had stayed up very very late (a little closer to the more immediate truth). But whatever. I got my laundries down and ate my pancakes, all the while thinking about that Cinnabon and the sushi that N. and I had last night.

It's sort of occurred to me recently that it's dumb to refer to everybody by their initials. I do it to protect people's identities, but who reads this anyway, and what do I say that is so scandalous that people should be protected from it? Everybody just focuses on Tumblr stuff now anyway, and I don't have a Tumblr. Well, whatever. Until my boyfriend/one true follower tells me it's annoying, I'll keep doing the initials thing.

And speaking of blogs, lately I've been getting all these things from Xanga saying that various people want to follow me or friend me or however it works on Xanga. But I haven't posted in years, so I don't know who the heck would want to follow a blog that ended in 2007. Or whenever it actually was.

But my boyfriend/one true follower did remind me last night that I hadn't blogged for a while. Well, darling, here you are.

What am I doing today? Synching my one and only's iPod to my iTunes library because my iPod got stolen.

Woe is me, by the way! For my favorite of all the iPods, my dear little iPod, the product(red) iPod Nano 4th generation, is so obsolete that they aren't selling it anymore! It was perfect and it looked like this:The new ones look like this:

(Sorry for all the white space;
best pic of it I could find)

It's soooo smalllll
I mean, yes, sure, that is the point. But that is kind of an extreme on the scale of small, no? I feel like I will be listening to music while I am eating potato chips, and Munch, munch, crunch, zzzztfzz, there goes my iPod!

Well darling, thank you so much for letting me borrow your iPod. I will be SO careful with it. In fact, I am debating even taking it to school ever. Probably won't. We'll see. But I am NOT doing a repeat of last year's jacket incident, about which I still cry on the inside Q.Q

Anyway, what am I doing today? I finished up my lighting design for theatre. I still need to study up on some bio, but other than that, I think that tomorrow's homework is all finished. So next thing is to work hardcore on some college essays, go to my Film Board meeting, do some more essaying, and get generally ready for this week.

I have decided that my hair-chewing habit has gone on for way too long. The problem is that my hairbands all slide off and my barrettes all have butterflies on them -__- So I have this big pink comb pinning them back onto the top of my head.

Hot pink. Probably very stylish indeed.

One more quick thing: on Friday, in psych, Mrs B thought someone had raised a hand to ask a question. But when she looked at my row, nobody was raising their hand. So she said that she'd thought someone had a question. When we all denied it, she looked at me and said, "Oh well, Izzie will think of something relevant and clever." I was very flattered. And, of course, (no, I have no shame or modesty) I did. It was a very pertinent question too, and I think Mrs B was glad I'd brought it up. So HA. I win.

I think I'll write my college essay about that kind of thing. Being really really convincing when I am working on the spot. Maybe. I could include the brown bag speech from Koko's class XD that was the best.

*Knowing chuckle* Yes, I understand that this illustrated "My First Bible" would seem a little strange for a symbol of academic rigor. However...

The knowing chuckle ALWAYS works. Always.

With that, I should probably write some essays or clean my room or at least do something remotely useful for the next 1.5 hours.

I am darn proud of that lighting concept, I must admit.

I hope this was a satisfying catch-up blog post.
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