Currently stalling after finally, FINALLY starting to plan out my new EE (need the whole thing by November first =____=). Behhhhh. Then the next thing is my research investigation for Theatre, my IA for psych (you are thinking, why hasn't she finished that yet? She's been complaining about it for weeks. A-yeah. I know), picking my TOK topic, and studying for the SATs. Mostly the RI and bio, though.

And speaking of bio... I mean, my only reader knows this, because he was deliciously there for the waffle-making that caused this episode, but still. I am going to put it anyway. When I was preparing to mix up some nummy waffles, I had to rearrange a bowl set so I could have the middle one. I then put the small one back in to the big bowl, and the very first thing that came to my mind was "Introns! Exons! Recombinant DNA!"

That was yesterday.

This will be be one hell of a week.

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