I have no idea how faithful to the blog I'll be during the school year, because, well, we all know how that goes. >.< However! School is two days away and there is exciting news to share.

1. Bio IAs - DONE! YES. Haw haw haw. (That is my haughty laugh.) And now everybody is texting me with requests that I give them IA ideas. I don't know, people! I exhausted all of my ideas. Comrade just fell into the recycling bin. No, Comrade, you are not made of 80% post-consumer waste. ...Although all that Israeli dust and ash could conceivably count... Oh. Comrade is the hat I took to Israel. He got very dirty and he still hasn't been washed. So you know.

2. WOOL. I have obtained (purchased or ... stolen) about five pounds of raw wool in a veritable rainbow of colors. Veritable. Rainbow. Wool. For all of you die-hard fans of my blog who are so very confuzzled at why I would be so excited at obtaining such a thing, one stabs raw wool with a needle until it gets harder takes shape. You can make it into a lot of things. It's called "felting" and it's a proven stress reliever. Recently I found out that I am good at it and I really enjoy it, and... it's a proven stress reliever. So I stocked up for school.

3. I still haven't finished my college applications. 9_9

4. I just found out that college application stuff is due at the start of school, a.k.a. Friday, a.k.a two Tomorrows from right now >.<

5. Blister on the leg. From a glue gun, thank you very much. I was helping kids at the art camp glue clothes onto their hand puppets and this gob fell directly from the gun onto my leg.

And I wrote a poem today! It might someday be good.

And N.L.N. sent me his new story the other day. It's basically the most fantastic thing ever.

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