I was cleaning my room and I've come across some things. (The title of this entry doesn't give anything away. Clever, eh?) I think they are pretty interesting: freewrites or something, little vignettes I wrote and then tossed someplace.

I have a nasty habit of doing that.

Anyway, it's time to recycle these sheets of paper, but not before putting here some of the more (I think) interesting bits.

"In other words?" I'll give you other words.
In other words, this bus is a claw-footed bath, dragging its behemoth self down the street, trying desperately to be relevant in a world where jet packs are diesel-fueled but right around the corner!
In other words, the passengers are society itself, swimming in their own filth, afraid to wash the scum off and see what's underneath!
In other words, everything - everyone the world - the universe! Is - is - crazy! Lunatic! Insane! Psycho! Waiting [cut off]

Films are still just pictures on a wall.

Three (recounting of an actual occurrence, which I had forgotten)
His tiny fingers curled around the pendant, blue eyes filled with wonder. He tenderly stroked each silver feather, [possibly] imagining the birds they came from. I was struck by the care with which he handled the necklace.
"Do you like my necklace?" I asked him, simply, as folks are wont to do around small children.
"Neckrace," he replied, [fascinated]. His eyes were still stroking the tiny beads. Suddenly he leaned in, putting one small hand on my chest for balance. "Kaden --" I began [to scold him,] underestimating him. He stopped moving, but not because of [the tone in which I'd said] his name. He stopped to carefully position his small lips. With the greatest tenderness and respect, he kissed the pendant. Then, he drew back, slowly, [reverently,] and took his hand back; turned those grand eyes on me.


Krystal, as in Krystallnacht]
Tonight a tree branch scrapes the window
Tonight the moon shines through the glass
Tonight the tree branch does not scare me
Tonight my warm bed holds me fast
Tonight there will be dreaming
Tonight there will be sighs
Tonight I sleep quite peacefully
As dreams delight my [resting] eyes

Tomorrow will be fighting
Tomorrow will be shouts
Tomorrow my entire world
Will be turned inside-out
Tomorrow, there will be no window
Tomorrow, gone will be the glass
Tomorrow, even friends [won't spare] me
Tomorrow, soldiers hold me fast.

Ideally, emotions are like raindrops. The softer ones will seep through your skin; the harder ones will pelt you painfully but, ultimately, bounce off.
But if you leave yourself exposed, the hail will punch right through your heart and kill you.

Quite a collection so far, no? I'll keep you posted, so to speak, if anything else fun shows up.
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