So it has obviously been a month since my last post. My one follower has probably lost all faith in me, which makes me VERY SAD. Don't worry, follower. I am disappointed in myself also.

Basically, even though finals week is over and I've been out of school for three weeks, it feels still very school-like. What with this hella long essay I'm wrapping up (256 words to go. I am 93.6% there. Freaking 4,000 words) due this afternoon, and my Spanish test Wednesday, my English exam Thursday (ORAL, thank you very much >.<)... plus the SAT Subject Bio and Spanish tests in early June, and my JOB, thank you very much also... Well, the point is, it really does not feel very out-of-schooly. Just like the weeks are shorter and there is more weekendness going on. And tons more webcomics, also. May I reccommend to you Gunnerkrigg Court and No Need For Bushido? These guys are awesome for procrastination - erm, I mean, um, for... for... yeah, okay, for procrastination. But they are fun reads. And I also just discovered the Remix section! Which is hilarious and not helping my paper ANY. :D

Prom was fantastic, though. ULTRA FUN. And N.L.N. went with me even though he didn't really want to :) What a trooper! A real trooper. And he even had fun, but he doesn't like to admit it :P I wonder if we'll go to Prom next year also.

Probably not. XD

And then Israel. Whoo. Israel in like four weeks? The hell! We leave on the 13th of June. Is that four weeks? I don't know, my last math paper was turned in weeks ago, I can't mathify right now. Don't ask me. I'm supposed to be adding 256 words to that essay to wrap it up.

It's a DAMN good thing this is only the first draft, too. FYI.

So, long story short, here is the summary of the last month, in PICTURE FORM for added awesomeness.

Most of what's happening:

These are friggin' cupcake-shaped cake and candy treats on a STICK, people. What the hell. Why can't I have one? Totally epic.

...And then there is IB.

Picture's worth a thousand words, folks. Figure it out.

Actually that one is worth 1,009 words. Because they are there.

Or maybe that detracts from it so it is only worth 991 words.

Figure it out. I have four things to do for a giant, running, dinosaur-eating crocodile now. Bai.

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