So, I have a CAS essay and 75 hours, in two areas (Creativity, Action, or Service) due. Tomorrow. And my 2nd Extended Essay draft is due Tuesday... tomorrow also happens to be graduation, and I'm Junior Escorting, so.

It doesn't help that for the last two days I've been ucky sick and stuff...

So yesterday I awoke at Freakishly Early (aka 6 a.m.) to take my similarly early IB Spanish exam. And I felt GROSS. But whatever, I had my first half of my bagel with lox (JEW FOOD WIN). Then I felt unable to finish it, but I knew I would be hungry during the test if I didn't eat the whole thing. I packaged it up and took it along.

Get to the test, I feel like crap, and my stomach is spazzin' out ish. Like, I don't feel like I'm going to throw up, and I finish the bagel. Eet was delicious. (I love Nova lox.) So I find my seat, and we start the test.

For the sake of time, I'll skip on the test details. But Sr C really had us prepared. So it was really easy.

My problem arose right before the break, when I thought my innards were about to spontaneously implode or something. They hurt SO BAD. My entire abdomen was on fire. Good thing I had already finished. Mrs G was up at the front of the room, and is also terrifying, and there were only four minutes left, so I didn't ask if I could go to the bathroom. I just waited, and then as soon as we went on break I dashed to the bathroom. I was so worried that I would have to leave early and that my exam would be DQ'd, which would suck more than a lot of things that suck a lot.

But I actually got back out in time for the test - BARELY, but in time - and then I started feeling better as soon as I began my letter to the security guards at the discotech that had kicked out my friends for not being "well dressed" enough. (The prompts these guys come up with. Yeesh!)

And then for the rest of the day I was basically fine. Went over to see my darling N.L.N. before he left on his trip, and ate that panini that I had forgotten on Tuesday. Then I came back here and tried cramming for my IOC, which... well, let's say I got a little sidetracked.

Slightly Damned, anybody?

Anyway, I stressed about the IOC a lot, but not enough to actually do anything. I was just feelin' really lethargic and whatnot. And like not doing my IOC. So I talked to my man for a while and we traded puns back and forth. You know, Mercedes bends, Linoleum Blownaparte... don't drink and deride. Because everyone knows the worstest puns are the ones that have you laughing the longest!

You hear about that goldfish that went bankrupt? Now he's a bronzefish!
Crick: The sound a camera makes in Japan!

Anyway, the point is, I did much more not-IOC. And I complained a lot about my lack of motivation, which I probably do more than is necessary. Well, definitely. (Sorry, dear. I'll make it up to you next time you tell me about the Lakota not-pointing policy or... something.)

Except then I forced myself to work on Hamlet and Much Ado, and I read Sparknotes for Dubliners cuz I was terrified of getting a Dubliners extract. Then I fell into bed...

Woke up this morning at 8 feeling like more crap. Tried eating cereal - bran, plainest, most practical cereal I could find - and yogurt, but I had to force the cereal down a bit. Got to the exam feeling like I would legitimately be sick. But I told myself it was nerves and I'd be fine. Got the envelope, and my extract, said "shit" a few dozen times, and went through the motions of analyzing it.

The one where Benedick is like, "I hate you, Prince. I hate Beatrice. I hate love and myself and oak trees and Hercules and everyone. But especially Beatrice. I am going to go sulk now. You all suck."

He is such a whiner...

So I try to get at the deeper meaning of this extract from Much Ado that I did not prepare... sigh... and by the end of my twelve minutes I've talked in so many circles and repeated myself so many times that I am legitimately sweating. I was SO RELIEVED to be out of there. And I felt all dizzy and unfocused, but hey! - at least I was done, right?

Long story short, I also made it to coffee with D.S. (not the video game console, thank you) which was fun, but I was dizzy and he kept talking about all these chemicals that I don't know what they are. But then we started up with the puns and I could follow those.

Then I came back here and discovered a fever of 100 (which explains the dizziness). I also discovered my complete lack of apetite and the definite combination of feeling hot and sweating/getting chills that points to being sick.


So basically I've had a bug all this time. And I'll probably still have it tomorrow...



Well anyway. Now you know the whole, horribly long story.
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