Soooo this blog has not been Intentionally Left Blank recently. It has instead been Tragically and Accidentally Left Blank on account of the fact that I have been getting very little to zero sleep for the last three weeks and am now involved in a new show.

Brief updates:

NHS, most congruently, did not send me an acceptance/rejection letter (they didn't send me an application either, though I'm third in the class =_=). But Mrs G-M assures me that I have been processed and accepted. Whatever, it's like C.M. said, it's kind of a ridiculous society to belong to. Need I remind everyone of the xkcd comic on the subject?

Oh yes, Mr Munroe. You are brilliant.

The One Act show opens next week (as Good Old Charlie Brown would extrapolate: AUGHH). But it is all coming along.

However, it and the Wiz and Speech and various other things in my very very busy life have all led to my inability to attend dance class, and my calves are no longer monstrously awesome and chiseled. Which makes me ultra sad and inspired me to get back into it... soon. As in, May. Which is the next time I can.

How can I say I'm doing lots of stuff? Well, I totally spaced out on my doctor's appointment today. The second one I've rescheduled because I forgot it. Twice. Before.


Just... not in the right place... evidently...

Aaaand what else? Um. College is a big ol' massive freakout session of sadness and pain and intense interest and happiness and fear. Kind of like PMS, but only when people say "college" or "application" or "residential housing." But Tufts and Yale are really nice. Other than that big ol' freakout.

And I have massive Senioritis paired with positive terror about my also big, ol', and freaking EXTENDED ESSAY, which has me paralysed from the knees down with fear (another excuse for my loss of happy sexy chiseled calf ness).

FORTUNATELY for all you faithful fans, though (my one follower! ^^ w00t) I think I'll start having time to blog craziness again.

Additionally, me + sleep deprivation = general incongruency. Which sometimes makes for good reading. You know: occasional brilliance; mostly just ramblings.

Take this one sheet of paper on my desk: half of it is this deep philosophical start to something about communication and today's generation, and it's got this fantastic analogy going... and then on the bottom half is this scrawling statement about how much I love Mathemagic Land and wouldn't it be practical to put a sawblade on a katana so you could...

But that is okay.

Also like today when I got bored in Theatre class, so I drew an image of E.Y.M.S. riding a bucking whale.
OH and on that note! I got to design the happy logos for the One Acts festival ^.^ I am muy muy very excited :)

And so that is all for now. I need to stop stalling my Bio homework. And my TOK. And my Psych. And my Speech. And my Maths...


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