...And rather difficult to explain.

You see, E.Y.M.S.M. and I had a Speech and Debate tournament this last Saturday.

And we conquered.

I mean, conquered. Like, you don't even know. Our highest scores ever. In our three guaranteed rounds, I mean the ones we actually DID... we got one first place and two seconds.

Do you understand what I am saying? Are you listening to the melodic sound of my voice as the words come pouring forth from between my lips?



But due to a posting error and a posting reading error (Hey, Erin could have checked me, okay?), we did round 2 in the wrong room. This, coupled with the fact that the team from George that was SUPPOSED to be in that room didn't come in until late because 50% of them was sick... so by the time they came in claiming to be the ACTUAL 3A, we had just gone. Actually.

So we tear off to postings, right, and tear up to our proper room. And we're just going to say, "Hey, our bad, we're sorry, hope you didn't wait for us, bye!" But when we came in the judge was like, "Oh. Well, you're the last group. Are you okay to go?" And we didn't know what the hell to do! So we went again!


So we just ran around freaking DSA, and we had just done our piece, so none of it felt right, and to make matters worse, the Three Amigos were sitting there with this look on their faces - that is, the 50% of them I saw - that just SCREAMED that he thought we were inferior. And it was hot, and we had just run all over the place, and we were tired, and we failed.


And then, long story short, we explained our situation to the tab room lady, who said she empathized and would take our highest score from second round if it fit in with our other rounds. But she lied. Majorly. And screwed us over, counting our 4 instead of our ONE.

So we were completely screwed over and I was so pissed off when I saw these ballots today that I went to the end of the history hallway and sprinted from there to the vending machines by the bathroom, careened around a corner, and shoved my way through the doors and into the freezing, snowy air.

Why is it always cold and snowy when I decide to let off steam in this way?

...Come to think of it, why is it always the Tuesday before Valentine's Day when it is always cold and snowy and I decide to let off steam this way? o.O Weird. It must be the Mayans...


Anyway, I tried to wait until the hallway was clear, but at one point I just HAD to run, you know? So I tore off down the hall and there were these three tall guys - not just tall, but big too, you know? - and they heard me coming, because I was certainly going to no lengths to be dainty. No sir, I was stampeding my way down that linoleum hallway. So one turns around and says, "No running in the halls!" You know, being funny or whatever. Whatever. But I was moving too fast, and anyway I was in no frame of mind to listen to him, haha, whatever, so I shot past them and that's when I careened and whatnot.

And as I was shoving my way out the door, I heard another one say, "Damn! That girl should be on track!"

Which made me feel kinda good until I remembered again why I was upset and running in the first place.


But then J.Siggs came outside and helped me out, and I know E. and I are going to PWN all of them at State (I don't care if I used that wrong, I just don't care)...

Besides, on a happier note, I did place fourth overall with my solo humor piece, which I had hardly prepared. So that was funny ^.^ Yeah, this one judge wrote "Great play with the accents. I can tell you've really worked on this." and it cracked me up like none other.

But still. STILL. I think we have SUCH a right to be pissed off.

But it's kinda okay, cuz I have this plan for REVENGEEEE.....


Math test tomorrow. 'Ta!
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