This day was not quite as BLEHHH as was yesterday, but it still merits a little, protesting meh.

English was fine. Nothing major to report.

In TOK, we had a sub, so we watched this video on rational thought during the Renaissance. It mentioned Arabs! So I was happy.

In Psych, I still didn't present, but there was a very interesting presentation and a discussion all about whether it is okay to pressure your child into doing activities that are "normal" for children of the child's gender.

This comment right here has no merit or place in this post! There was no point to its being written or to your reading it.

Think about that for a minute. Do it!

In Spanish, rather than studying Chapter 5 like maybe I should have, I drew A.M.N.'s picture like I've been promising for a week. Catwoman. Hoping to have a copy soon... And I also got this really odd headache, not a migraine, but a headache, and not behind the eyes, either, but on the back of my head, like my scalp... it was bizarre.

Speech class saw les Duo'ers (that is FRENCH, my friend!) in the sub-basement and we watched pieces. And I worked on A.M.N.'s drawing... while still having that stupid headache. Fortunately I remembered the right pressure point in my hand and was able to make it go away a bit. Then I ate stuff.

Lunch was yeah. Eating, talking, pantsing some Asians (well, okay, one Mongolian. Hey! B.M.B.! You know who you are! Stop whining, you were wearing leggings le whole time!) And my headache temporarily abated again, which was nice.

Oh! I forgot to mention that today was "Back in the Day" Day for Spirit Week, so I wore my mom's old 80's designer dress. Yes, my mom actually PAID for the privelege of wearing this thing. Here is a picture.

Ohhhhhyesthatisvoluptuous. XD

For Biology, Mr. S was gone, so we had that old, balding sub, who let us do whatever. So I started reading the cardiovascular chapter. I figure this is probably my chance to get ahead...

I feel really ready for tomorrow's maths test and I super duper hope that doesn't change. Especially not in the middle of tomorrow's maths test. So I finished A.M.N.'s drawing and sleepwalked to and from my locker. STUPID HEADACHE. GO DIE IN A HOLE.

And in Theatre I really need to work on my lines but I am more memorized than many people in my group...

And Wiz let out early. After good solid character work.

Looking back, it was not a bad day. Just this stupid headache (which has returned, preventing me from chatting with my beloved N.L.N.). CURSE YOU, MOM-DUBBED TENSION HEADACHE. CURSE. YOU.

Oh! I used "Fnord" today as a curse word and felt happy inside.

...So what's on my mind? Well, Yahoo! has informed me that Megan Fox does, in fact, have an unattractive bone in her body. Her right thumb. And you know what? I feel a lot better about her now. And screw the Motorola company that hired a hand model instead of letting Fox deal with the phone herself.

Also, in case you were wondering, shot number 25 of Lindsey Vonn in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue is the best one because a) she has skis; b) she is not wearing anything too darn ridiculous; c) she looks happy and in control; and d) the color scheme is clear, simple, and visually pleasing.

Finally, a tribute to Sarah Palin, acting as eloquently as only she can.

Woo. Go, Yahoo!.

Alright, enough talking about various American female role model types. Time for homework, shower, and bed - what a chat-deprived girl I will be this evening! *Sadness of mild despair*
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