Today just seemed to go right, you know?

I mean, I woke up and sure, it was cold. Sure, I didn't want to move...but I woke up to the STAR WARS THEME SONG!! And as everyone ought to know, or will very soon find out, that is pretty much the most epic thing I could ever wake up to.

AND I have a policy of I must be out of bed before the end of the first song. The SW theme is a long song. Hurrah for that happy coincidence also!

Then in English class, along with eating an egg and not getting yelled at (again! Record!), I made a fabulous insight about a Madame Virginia Woolf. But you don't get to hear it. Because it is long.

Yay grammatically incorrect sentence beginnings! Hurrah!

Then in Psych, we played the Psych game and I totally ruled it. Sorry. I am just really excited because I wasn't sure that I was ready for this upcoming test, but it turns out I am. And I got a few dumbfounded looks from my table buddies when I rattled off four characteristics of a "Happy person" as discovered by somebody (still have to study names) without looking in either my notes or my book. I love getting looks like that - on occasion, of course. W00t :D

Then in Spanish we had to read this passage and answer comprehension questions, but it was okay because a) Sr. Camacho is back (FINALLY!! :D), and b) because the passage was about this guy totally man-bubbling over this girl he met at a party, and it was uber sweet. It almost made me bubble myself, because it was so cute.


In Bio we had a guest speaker talking to us about H1N1, and it was interesting if you asked questions. So I asked questions. Because otherwise, I was bound to fall asleep. It's nobody's fault. It was interesting, it's just that the speaker has a naturally quiet voice and it was a dark room with a projector on. You know how it goes.

Then came the Maths test. Oooh, scary! Without beating about the bush, I will say that I am probably far too confident about it. I can't say it out loud in the halls or people might just beat me up...well okay. They wouldn't do that. But I do feel quite confident that I am near the top of the class on this one. Everyone else was saying that they had to leave several questions blank or incomplete, but I finished every one and felt good about them, and had time to review them with time to spare!

Cross your fingers, friends! (Enemies: voodoo dolls do not work. Sorry.)

Skipping Theatre. No particular reason...


Then I went to dance class ^^ And my legs only screamed at me for an hour (first full class in a few months...). Yay only one hour of leg screaming!

Then I had SUSHI for dinner. Which rocked.

And there are a lot of bubble-related things I can't really talk about just now. So yeah.

I hope you weren't eaten by a bear yesterday (Sunday?). Today wasn't even so much as an annoying woodpecker day, I believe. So huzzah. No annoying woodpeckers for you.

Or you, either.

You, eh, sure. Why not. You look like that kid who was annoying me in the hallway a few days ago. So you get a woodpecker!

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