...I overscheduled myself again. Senior year is killing me slowly. There are SO MANY assessments! Theatre projects, Psychology experiments, Bio experiments and research projects... English essay rewrites and in-class commentaries and so much reading, plus everything else I want to do... and everything else that I maybe don't want to do but am already committed to.

I don't know what I'd be doing if my dear N.L.N. hadn't talked me into backing out of the Habitiat Build I was signed up for tomorrow. I did literally start crying when I took myself off the list - I've always always wanted to help Habitat For Humanity. And this is a green project all around, which combines my interest and service and what have you. But it runs from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and if I was so tired yesterday that I couldn't even drive home - which I was - there is no way I'd have the energy for a build plus homework plus Film Board (also happening this weekend), which means I would not have energy to see N. And if that did not happen, I would probably curl up in the fetal position and be useless for a week.

Heck, I'm already doing that. :P

Anyway, I've decided not to do the fall play, either - not to be involved in Drama basically at all until my college stuff is finished and I've retaken the SATs. I'll want to be in the musical, you can be sure - I'll also have two free periods next semester. WOOO. And I am NOT filling them in with classes, no sir. I am NOT doing that to myself again.

And now I need to work on theatre. But those are the brief updates.

PS - happy new year, world!
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