...Is NASTY. I am stuck with this stupid cough that WILL NOT DIE. I swear. In the mornings my throat is dry and gross, and then I cough until breakfast. Then, apple juice and milk make everything okay until I get to school, where I consume an average of three lozenges per hour to keep the cough under control.

And those still don't do the trick.

Three separate times today I had 10 seconds of cough so severe that it brought me to my knees. Yeah, Mr S thought I was going to pass out. He sent me to the nurse. But not just that; he sent me with someone else because he was afraid I would pass out on the way to the nurse.

That's happened before. Not the actual passing-out-on-the-way-to-the-nurse thing. But having a teacher send me to the nurse with somebody else.

Only last time it was Mr C, and a security guard walked me down, and, you know... I was actually about to pass out that time.

Anyway, I do really appreciate the concern, Mr S.

(Coughing fit break)

At least I'm only waking up twice during the night now to hack my lungs out. Also it's only taking me 20 or 30 minutes to stop coughing and fall asleep instead of 50.


Anyway. So this Wiz is now officially over - yesterday we struck the set and cleaned everything. M.M., Ducky, and I cleaned out the props room. Like, legitimately this time, instead of only partially so we could find things, like I did twice during Wiz. No, we reorganized and swept and rearranged and... swept...

M.M. was sweeping and found something that I SWEAR used to be ALIVE. But was not anymore. Nor ever will be again. It was stuck on this mask. NASTY NASTY NASTY. I thought at first that they were just a few things accidentally glued together, like a strip of fake fur or something. Because it was brown and black, you know, in bands. Kind of. But then I saw the label on the thing to which it was stuck, and it was stuck between this thing and the mask.

It said "Something something Brand Name Glue Trap."



Ye gods, what hell was in that props room.

(Coughing fit break)

AND I FINALLY GOT THE DOOR OUT OF THERE. Okay, for the longest time, since the end of last year's musical, in fact, we've had the Sweeney Todd oven door in the props room. This is something to which I have long objected. I mean, long objected. Doors are parts of walls. Walls do not belong in the props room. They belong with the other walls and wall components. You know, in the wood room. So I grabbed I.M.C. and forced him, with little effort, to remove the door from my sight. So now it is much easier to access the suitcases and pillows and whatnot.

(Major coughing fit break)

Shortly after this victory, we had cleared all the butcher paper and weirdness and non-propiness out of that room, gotten all the fake foliage back from Set and in its proper place, and we were DONE. I mean, DONE. I even managed to get rid of the fencing vest... thing that has been in there for who knows how long.

(First I sent Ducky over, but she was denied because Costumes had never seen it before. But neither had we. So I went back with it and tried myself. "See, you wear it," I told C, the costumes crew head. "It's not a prop if you wear it."

("Find a hanger," she told me. "Find a hanger, hang it up, we'll put it up there." So I did. So they did. The end.)

DONE. That room was BEAUTIFUL. And we put our names in it so that people would always know who cleaned the props room in Spring 2010 (it is a tradition. Don't look at me like that). So we switched off the lights and we were literally closing the door behind us when Devon came by (no, he does not deserve identity protection) with something he wanted to put in the props room.

It was a window.

You know where windows go?


I said Hell no was he going to put a wall in my beautiful clean props room. It's a wall. It goes in the wood room.

"But it has cloth on it," he whined.

"Then give it to costumes," I said. (Sorry, C.) "Walls are not props."

So he looked at me, and at the window, and then at me. Finally he said, "But it's always wanted to be a prop, all its life. It's The Wall that Wanted to be a Prop." I stared at him and considered turning him away again, but then M.M. and Ducky and I held a quick conference, in which I was convinced that that idea was far too cute to ignore.

"Fine," I said. "Write its name on the back and it will be an honorary prop and allowed in the props room."

So he did.

So it was. :D

And I must say, it is pretty adorable, now that I'm not angry at it and have pity for it instead.

The Wall That Wanted to be a Prop

Okay, that's it, I guess. My bronchioles have decided that they prefer the outdoors to my thoracic cavity. Excuse me while I get my Robatussin equivalent.


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